
A list of my publications in conferences and journals.


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    Enabling Technology Diffusion with the Open Lab Starter Kit
    Mohammed Omer, Melina Kaiser, Manuel Moritz, and 2 more authors


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    Exploring the Potential of Open Source Machine Tools for Sustainable Industrial Development in Low Resource Contexts - A Case Study of Migrant-Run Microenterprises in Oman
    Mohammed Omer, Melina Kaiser, Tobias Redlich, and 1 more author
    In Manufacturing Driving Circular Economy, 2023
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    Pushing the Frontiers of Personal Manufacturing with Open Source Machine Tools
    M. Omer, T. Redlich, and J.-P. Wulfsberg


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    Democratising Fab Labs with Open Source Machine Tools
    Mohammed Omer, Melina Kaiser, Tobias Redlich, and 1 more author
    In Proceedings of the Fab 17 Research Papers Stream, Dec 2022
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    Democratizing Manufacturing – Conceptualizing the Potential of Open Source Machine Tools as Drivers of Sustainable Industrial Development in Resource Constrained Contexts
    Mohammed Omer, Melina Kaiser, Manuel Moritz, and 3 more authors
    Dec 2022
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    Community-based replication of Open Source Machine Tools
    Luisa Lange, Michel Langhammer, Sonja Buxbaum-Conradi, and 4 more authors
    Dec 2022
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    Distributed Manufacturing: A High-Level Node-Based Concept for Open Source Hardware Production
    Jorge Cesar Mariscal-Melgar, Mohammed Omer, Manuel Moritz, and 3 more authors
    Dec 2022


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    Design and Analysis of a Composite Chassis for Shell Eco Marathon Prototype Vehicle 2016 using Finite Element Analysis
    Mohammed Omer
    Dec 2015