
Courses I teach


Manufacturing Technology 1 & 2 (Fertigungstechnik 1 & 2)
  • Indepth 2 part course on the fundamentals of manufacturing technologies for bachelor students of mechanical engineering. The topics covered are: Forming, Machining, Casting, Additive Manufacturing, Manufacturing cost analysis etc.For this course, I taught the chapter on Manufacturing Cost Analysis.
Machine Tools (Fertigungssysteme Werkzeugmaschinen)
  • Advanced course for mechanical engineering master's students. The aim of the course is to teach the various aspects of machine tool design from structural design of the frame to the choice of linear guides all the way to their control architectures. (Normally only postdocs are allowed to teach, but I already started teaching the course as a PhD student)
Introduction to Digital Fabrication
  • I offered courses on the fundamentals of 3D printing, milling and laser cutting in a OpenLab ( special fablab equipped with self built open source digital fabrication machines) that was run by me. I have offered these courses for engineers as well as for school children.
Build your Own 3D Printer Workshop
  • I carried out 10 intensive 2-day bootcamps whereby participants would build an open source 3D printer from scratch. The design that was built was a further developed Hypercube Evolution which i called the Remocube. I also created a mostly pictographic build manual for the workshops such that participants could build the entire machine almost on their own, like a large LEGO puzzle.
Digital Fabrication for Children
  • I offer workshops for children aged 8 - 16 on various topics of digital fabrication such as 3D printing, CAD design, 2D graphics, laser cutting, basic electronics and programming. These workshops are offered in each session with a theme for instance designing cookie cutter before christmas, designing and building an led lit acrylic stand, an obstable avoiding robot etc.


  • I gave a short (10 minutes) lecture on the concept of accessibility for machine tools, based on my PhD work on the topic during Professor Gerschenfelds class of machine design at MIT. My part starts at minute 40 on the attached video link.

Thesis Supervised

Digital Fabrication for Children
  • I offer workshops for children aged 8 - 16 on various topics of digital fabrication such as 3D printing, CAD design, 2D graphics, laser cutting, basic electronics and programming. These workshops are offered in each session with a theme for instance designing cookie cutter before christmas, designing and building an led lit acrylic stand, an obstable avoiding robot etc.